Florida Certified Electrical Contractor Unlimited Book Package for 2025 Exams
This book package includes the following titles:
- RN50 Florida Contractors Manual, 2021
- RN7 MANCOMM Code of Fed. Regulation, Title 29 (OSHA) Parts 1926, 1910, 1904
- RN9 NFPA 70-National Electrical Code, 2020 edition
- RN10 NFPA 72-National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, 2019 Edition
- RN12 NFPA 780-Lightning Protection Code, 2017 edition
- RN 13 NFPA 101-Life Safety Code, 2018 edition
- RN14 Fire Alarm Signaling Systems Handbook, Bukowski & Moore, 3rd Ed., 2003 or 4th Ed., 2010
- RN23 Engineering Sign Structures, An Introduction to Analysis and Design
- RN25 NEON, Techniques and Handling
- RN28 Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 16th or 17th edition
- RN 30 Telecommunication Wiring, 2001, 3rd edition
- RN 39 NTC Blue Book Low Voltage Systems 2020.
THERE ARE TWO ADDITIONAL REFERENCES YOU NEED: UL 681 and UL 365: How to Obtain These Titles; instructions in the paragraph below:
Describes the proper steps for the installation of protective wiring and devices for burglar alarm systems covering premises, stockrooms, closed areas, safes, vaults, night depositories, automated teller machines, and other security containers. UL 681 and UL 365 are available as a PDF file free of charge only to candidates approved to take one or more of the Alarm One, Alarm Two, and Unlimited examinations. Please be sure that you have applied to take at least one exam and have been approved before making a request. To email your request, please send your first and last name and/or your candidate ID number to: Please make one combined request for UL 681 and UL 365.